Discount Hitman | The Murder of Cory Voss

Discount Hitman | The Murder of Cory Voss


A look into the tragic and senseless murder of Cory Voss by his wife and her lover.
A cheating wife who can't let go of the party girl scene.  A whanna-be filmmaker who wanted the world to think he was better than he actually was.  A guy who thought being a killer for hire was an easy money gig.  What do these three have in common? They conspired to murder a man thought by many to be the ideal husband and father.

Cory Voss was a rising star in the US Navy when his life was cut tragically short the night his wife set him up to be murdered for the insurance money.  

JD is joined by The Ghost, who actually knew the murderers when they decided to cash in Cory's life for a paycheck.